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Waiver of Liability

for Third Party Activities

Townsville Oasis provides a range of services including but not limited to connecting its participants with organisations, groups, and individuals ("third parties") running activities, events, and gatherings ("activities") in the community. The Townsville Oasis may refer its participants to these third parties and can assist its participants with the registration/application process to attend these activities. These activities may involve inherent risks, dangers and hazards. Participation in such activities is taken at the sole discretion of the attendee.


By registering for activities organised and run by third parties, you are aware of the possibility of personal injury, property damage or loss resulting therefrom. The assumption of risk refers to all activities throughout the duration of the activity and includes but is not limited to all transportation, hiking and other outdoor or indoor activities.


The Townsville Oasis shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, cost, harm or injury of any sort incurred by you as the result of your participation in activities with third parties.

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