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Oasis Program(s):

Social Connection

Caring duties reduced, what to do now?

Ben arrived at Homebase having been referred by his psychologist. He was not sure why but turned up not knowing what to expect.

Ben was one of our first 'social prescriptions' from a psychologist. He was referred to us to see if we could connect him up to others who had similar interests and met to engage in activity as a group.

Ben has for some time been his wife's carer and he looks after their children also. His wife has returned to work and the children are now in school so he has a lot of time each day on his hands and he is at a bit of a loss as to what to do. He spends a lot of his time sitting around the house.


Ben was supported to connect with a local archery club via the Oasis. Ben has now attends up to 3 times per week, bought his own bow and is shooting competitively with other people in the club. Ben still gets anxious but the club members around him provide support.

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