Our Patron
Commander 3rd Brigade, Brigadier Ben McLennan CSC and Bar
Homebase for the Veteran Community in Townsville
1 Staging Camp Ave, Oonoonba. Drop-in M-F 0900-1500, after hours upon booking
All closed on W/E and public holidays, unless booked.
[for GPS apps you may have better luck with 20 Darter Street, Oonoonba until actual is recognised on all platforms]
Location perfect for an Oasis
Sunday 6 June 2021
Majestic Raintrees set the backdrop for a location that provided the idea place to build an Oasis for our veterans.
Set on Staging Camp Avenue in The Village, Oonoonba – a place that during World War II was the 13th Australian Personnel Staging Camp and where every soldier who served in PNG would return to be supported in their journey back and into civilian life.
This historic site is fitting as it continues to provide a home base for all veterans and their families to integrate into the community in its new form as The Oasis Townsville’s Home Base for the Veteran Community.
The Oasis Townsville Chair, Lieutenant General John Caligari said the quality of the facility is evident from the moment you enter, and its design is exceptional.
“Principal to the facility is the architectural design which has been inspired by some of the military characteristics of Townsville,” Caligari said.
“Boasting an honours degree in military architecture on Magnetic Island, the designer has thoughtfully integrated this knowledge into the design and layout of The Oasis.
“The Dirty Boots Café sets the scene by providing a welcoming place that is central to creating connections and enabling people to have a chat over a coffee.
“This is a simple but vital component to keeping the conversation going and building connections with, and between, veterans and the community.
“Four huts are reminders of the peewee huts of WWII when the US 5th Airforce was raised here in Townsville, provide the basis for the connection and meeting spaces at the Home Base.
“The huts serve as important connection platforms for programs such as art and craft, music, information sessions and veteran association meetings.
“There is a dedicate wellbeing hut from which an increasingly sought-after Wellbeing Navigator service operates.
“A circular central meeting place is modelled on the gun emplacements on Magnetic Island which served to defend the city during the two world wars.
“A veterans lounge and an administration centre for volunteers and staff occupy the half of the old building not demolished, which was the former offices of the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) which was previously located on the site.
“The design is underpinned by a brief which was to create a welcoming and functional facility that is the place for veterans to meet and connect. It is to be a home base for all veterans serving and transitioned and a single front door for veterans to access services and support they need for successful integration into the Townsville Community.”
“We are delighted with the outcome of this facility. Over time, I am sure The Oasis will grow to have its own stories and will develop a rich history as a place that has helped countless veterans and their families.”
For more information visit theoasistownsville.org.au
Media contact: Michael Baker; 0417 900 545